Subject: Call for Papers: JAES Special Issue on Auditory Displays From: Agnieszka Roginska <roginska@xxxxxxxx> Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2011 14:41:28 -0400 List-Archive:<>Please see below for the Call for Papers for the JAES Special Issue on Auditory Displays. Apologies for cross posting. Agnieszka ________________________________________________________________________________________________ JOURNAL OF THE AUDIO ENGINEERING SOCIETY RE-ISSUE of CALL for PAPERS SPECIAL ISSUE ON AUDITORY DISPLAYS Publication Date: Summer 2012 Special Issue Editors: Agnieszka Roginska, Tony Stockman, Bruce Walker and Oussama Metatla, Email: ad_editors@xxxxxxxx Auditory Display is a highly interdisciplinary area of research concerning all aspects of the use of sound to convey information and ideas. The focus of this special issue is on auditory displays and the range of interdisciplinary issues related to their use. We invite the submission of high-quality papers in all areas of interest to those who work with sound as a medium for conveying information and ideas. Submitted papers will address the concerns shared by those who work primarily with informational and affective aspects of sound including sonification of data and processes, synthetic and composed sound, musical sound, natural sound, and all issues related to interaction with sound, specifically, how it is presented to and apprehended by listeners. Submissions are sought on topics that extend from basic research in auditory display to application domains in the arts and sciences, mobile applications, accessibility, audio technology, information and communications technology, computer games, engineering analysis, medicine, and more. Original papers presenting unpublished material relating to research in, but not restricted to, the topics listed below are invited for consideration for the special issue. Submit complete 4- to 10-page papers at by 2011 November 11. The guest editors, drawn from the board of the Inter- national Community for Auditory Display (ICAD), will pay special attention in the review process to how contributors present innovation related to one or several of the topics listed below and how they relate their contribution to previous work in the field. Upon acceptance for publication, authors will be required to use JAES style templates posted on PROPOSED TOPICS FOR PAPERS (including, but not limited to) 3-D and Spatial Audio Aesthetics, Philosophy, and Culture of Auditory Displays Accessibility Applications Auditory Scene Design Design Theory and Methods Evaluation and Usability Human Factors and Interaction Mappings from Data to Sound Psychology, Cognition, Perception, and Psychoacoustics Sonification and Exploration of Data through Sound Sound as Art Technologies and Tools IMPORTANT DATES GUEST EDITORS If you have any questions, contact the special issue editors: Agnieszka Roginska, New York University, Tony Stockman,Queen Mary, University of London Bruce Walker, Georgia Institute of Technology Oussama Metatla, Queen Mary, University of London Email: ad_editors@xxxxxxxx Please submit complete 4- to 10-page papers at by 2011 November 11. Manuscripts due: 2011 November 11 Reviews sent to authors: 2012 January 20 Tentative publication date: Summer 2012