NYT article mentions the psychoacoustics of loudspeaker reproduction ("Maher, Rob" )

Subject: NYT article mentions the psychoacoustics of loudspeaker reproduction
From:    "Maher, Rob"  <rmaher@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Tue, 6 Sep 2011 13:38:15 -0600

A general-interest article from yesterday's New York Times concerning psychoacoustics, and quoting several familiar contributors: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/06/science/06sound.html September 5, 2011 "Sound, the Way the Brain Prefers to Hear It" By GUY GUGLIOTTA [snip] "Everyone knows the sound of a bowling ball as it rolls down the alley," said William M. Hartmann, a Michigan State University physicist and former president of the Acoustical Society of America. "What is it about that sound that we can identify?" [end snip] -- Rob Maher Montana State University-Bozeman

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