post-doc in cochlear implant research (Monita Chatterjee )

Subject: post-doc in cochlear implant research
From:    Monita Chatterjee  <mchatterjee@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Thu, 25 Aug 2011 20:10:36 -0400

Please share with potentially interested applicants/labs: Effective April 2012, a two-year post-doctoral research position will be open in Monita Chatterjee’s Auditory Prostheses and Perception Laboratory at Boys Town National Research Hospital in Omaha, Nebraska. The research will focus on psychophysical measures of auditory processing by cochlear implant patients (both children and adults). Candidates with strong technical backgrounds and expertise in auditory psychophysics are strongly encouraged to apply, but individuals with strengths in related areas ( eg neurophysiology, modeling or evoked potentials) will also be considered. Experience with cochlear implants is an added plus. Interested applicants should contact Monita Chatterjee at monita.chatterjee@xxxxxxxx with a CV along with a brief statement (1 page) of research goals.

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Electrical Engineering Dept., Columbia University