Re: [MUSIC-IR] musical complexity (Arshia Cont )

Subject: Re: [MUSIC-IR] musical complexity
From:    Arshia Cont  <arshia.cont@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Mon, 15 Aug 2011 15:12:12 +0200

Hi Tom, This was the main topic of a colloqium organized at Ircam in 2009 bringing scientists, artists and philosophers together. Some of the presentation videos are actually online: Besides this, a recent publication of me and my colleagues discusses the issue (taken directly out of my thesis) and just assymptotically touching this (very important) issue -- using methods of information geometry: Cont A., Dubnov S., and Assayag G., On the Information Geometry of Audio Streams with Applications to Similarity Computing, IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, Vol. 19, no. 4, Pp. 837-846, May 2011. Cheers, Arshia Cont Researcher, Musical Representations Team, + Head of Musical Research, Ircam - Centre Pompidou. On Aug 11, 2011, at 4:29 PM, Tom Cochrane wrote: > (apologies for cross postings) > > Dear listmembers > > Does anyone know of any important articles or books which discuss > the issue of musical complexity? I am particularly interested to > find papers that debate how musical complexity should be understood > at a high theoretical level. For instance, should musical complexity > be understood in purely information theoretic terms or in terms of > our psychological capacity to predict and remember (e.g. analogous > to the way that amplitude differs from perceived loudness)? > > cheers > > Tom > > > ------------- > List reminder: > ------------- > 0. ISMIR 2011 will take place in the week of October 24, 2011 in > Miami (Florida). The web site of the conference will be at > 1. Please do not send HTML documents to the list > 2. Please do not send attachments (pictures, Word, etc.) to the list > 3. Please do not send commercial ads to the list > 4. Reuse of email addresses found on the list for unsolicited mail > is forbidden > 5. To unsubscribe, mail to "listserv@xxxxxxxx" the following text: > unsub music-ir or login to > 6. For assistance, mail to "music-ir-request@xxxxxxxx". > 7. The archives of the list are at > 8. The collective web sites of the ISMIR conferences and all past > proceedings are at > > > > > > > > > >

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