Re: correction to post (Dr JI Alcantara )

Subject: Re: correction to post
From:    Dr JI Alcantara  <jia10@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Tue, 2 Aug 2011 03:21:56 +0100

Dear Nedra, This is an intriguing question, though one not at all easy to address. I guess that the type of illusions you have in mind are those of the type reported by Diana Deutsch and others (e.g., Shepard tones; McGurk effect, etc. ?). You ask how they might be related to hearing-aid design? Do you have in mind trying to reproduce some of these effects in aided hearing-impaired individuals, which they previously could not perceive unaided, as a means of assessing the efficacy of different hearing-aid algorithms? The problem in relating some or all of these illusions to hearing-aid design is that it is quite difficult to dissociate auditory perception, or rather auditory sensory processing, from auditory cognition in these effects: do the illusions arise primarily from the former or the latter? The former might be useful for directing hearing-aid design; I doubt that the latter would though, as the effects might be quite idiosyncratic, relying on such factors as cerebral dominance, linguistic experience, etc., and might make for a moving goalpost, as it were ... You might like to read the following review of Deutsch's two CDs of auditory illusions for more information: Best wishes in your endeavours, Jose On Aug 1 2011, Bruno Repp wrote: >Dear Nedra: > >Your spell-checker seems to have been under-active as well because it >did not catch the wrong verb form of "tells". > >Your question about auditory illusions was probably intended to be: "Are >there any auditory illusions that have potential relevance to >hearing-aid design?" I'll leave this question to others to answer, as I >don't know much about hearing aids. > >Best, >Bruno > >On 7/30/11 3:16 AM, Nedra Floyd-Pautler, LLC wrote: >> My apologies for an over-active spell checker that changed "people" to >> "proletariat" in my recent posting. Below is the message I intended to >> send: >> >> I'm a science writer/audiologist researching an article on auditory >> illusions. What value do they have "on the ground" for people with >> hearing deficits? Do what they tells us about the brain and hearing >> have application to hearing aid design? >> >> Thank you, >> Nedra Floyd-Pautler >> <> > > > -- José Ignacio Alcántara, PhD University Lecturer Department of Experimental Psychology University of Cambridge Downing Street Cambridge CB2 3EB UK Tel: +44 (0)1223 764412 Fellow of Fitzwilliam College Storeys Way Cambridge CB3 0DG UK Tel: +44 (0)1223 472126

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