Auditory illusions (Nedra Floyd-Pautler )

Subject: Auditory illusions
From:    Nedra Floyd-Pautler  <nafp@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Thu, 28 Jul 2011 19:30:10 +0000

------=_Part_23787_418111045.1311881410143 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I'm a science writer/audiologist researching an article on auditory illusions. What value do they have "on the ground" for proletariat with hearing deficits? Do what they tells us about the brain and hearing have application to hearing aid design? Thank you, Nedra Floyd-Pautler Sent from Xfinity Mobile App ------=_Part_23787_418111045.1311881410143--

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