studies on perception of expressive features in music performance (Ju-Lee Hong )

Subject: studies on perception of expressive features in music performance
From:    Ju-Lee Hong  <jl.hong@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Wed, 27 Jul 2011 09:23:52 +0100

Dear List, For a revision of my doctoral research, I am looking for references of studies on perception of expressive features in music performance. By expressive features of music performance, I mean timing, loudness, portamento and vibrato etc. I have found articles on timing perception by Bruno Repp (1998) in Journal of Experimental Psychology: human Perception and Performance and another by Eric Clarke (1989) in Psychological research, but I haven’t had much luck in finding articles about loudness perception of expressive music performance and also of portamento / vibrato perception. If you know any relevant studies that investigate loudness perception of expressive music performance and also of portamento / vibrato perception, could you kindly point out to me? Many thanks for your help in advance. Ju-Lee -- Ju-Lee Hong Dept. of Music Goldsmiths, University of London email: jl.hong@xxxxxxxx ********** "Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent". -- Victor Hugo

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