Intl. Conf. on Music Perception & Cognition 2012 (Aniruddh Patel )

Subject: Intl. Conf. on Music Perception & Cognition 2012
From:    Aniruddh Patel  <apatel@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Fri, 22 Jul 2011 12:29:59 -0700

Dear Colleagues, Please see below for information on the 12th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC12), in Greece in July 2012. Also, FYI the final schedule of talks for the upcoming Society for Music Perception & Cognition (SMPC) meeting in Rochester (Aug 11-14, 2011) is here: Regards, Ani Patel President, SMPC Aniruddh D. Patel, Ph.D. Esther J. Burnham Senior Fellow The Neurosciences Institute 10640 John Jay Hopkins Drive San Diego, CA 92121 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 12th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC) (Joint meeting with the 8th Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music, ESCOM) 23-28 July 2012 Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece The Joint Conference ICMPC-ESCOM 2012 is an interdisciplinary conference devoted to the dissemination of new unpublished research relating to the field of music perception and cognition. The conference will bring together leading researchers from different areas of the cognitive sciences of music. Papers are invited that report empirical and theoretical research that contributes to a better understanding of how music is perceived, represented and generated. Research is welcome from a broad range of disciplines, such as psychology, psychophysics, philosophy, aesthetics, neuroscience, artificial intelligence, psychoacoustics, linguistics, music theory, anthropology, cognitive science, education. The conference consists of invited keynote lectures, workshops, papers and poster sessions, and symposia arranged around specific themes. All submissions will be reviewed anonymously by the members of the Scientific Advisory Board. Full text papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Details for submissions can be accessed at the conference website: Important Dates: 5 December 2011: Deadline for abstract submission 6 February 2012: Notification of Acceptance 5 March 2012: Early registration deadline ICMPC-ESCOM 2012 will take place from 23-28 July 2012 in Thessaloniki, Greece. The conference is organized by the Department of Music Studies, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, and the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (ESCOM). The conference is directed by Emilios Cambouropoulos and Costas Tsougras, Department of Music Studies, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. The ICMPC-ESCOM 2012 conference advisory committee consists of the following members: Mayumi Adachi, Anna Rita Addessi, Steven Demorest, Reinhard Kopiez, Jukka Louhivuori, Yoshitaka Nakajima, Aniruddh Patel and Jaan Ross. Further details at the ICMPC-ESCOM 2012 website:

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