Searching for animal research on the processing of a change within a sound (that changes from constant frequency to varying frequency) (Annekathrin Weise )

Subject: Searching for animal research on the processing of a change within a sound (that changes from constant frequency to varying frequency)
From:    Annekathrin Weise  <akweise@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Tue, 5 Jul 2011 11:35:01 +0200

Dear list, I am interested in the transition response that can be obtained (e.g. with event-related potentials in humans) when a sound part with constant frequency changes to a sound part with varying frequency (e.g. increasing frequency) studied for examle by Manfred Clynes (1969). Does anyone know of related studies concerning this issue done in animals (e.g. gerbil)? I would be grateful for any hint on literature or researchers, who focused on that issue. Best wishes, Anne -- Annekathrin Weise, Dipl.-Biol. PhD student in Psychology University of Leipzig Institute of Psychology BioCog - Cognitive incl. Biological Psychology Seeburgstr. 14-20 D-04103 Leipzig Tel.: +49 (0) 341-97 359 83 Fax: +49 (0) 341-97 359 69 e-mail: akweise@xxxxxxxx web:

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