Third (final) reminder: SMPC 2011 (Peter Pfordresher )

Subject: Third (final) reminder: SMPC 2011
From:    Peter Pfordresher  <pqp@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Thu, 20 Jan 2011 09:10:17 -0500

(apologies for cross-postings and repeated reminders) The deadline to submit an abstract for the Society for Music Perception and Cognition (SMPC) meeting is fast approaching: Abstracts are Due February 1st, 2011 Details on abstract submission can be found here: In addition we will be awarding 8 travel awards to students ($250 each) and one additional outstanding student researcher award ($250). Students interested in these awards should submit an additional paper by March 1st. Details can be found here: SMPC 2011 will be held at the Eastman School of Music in Rochester New York, from 11 - 14 August, 2011. We welcome submissions from a broad range of disciplines, from researchers with interests in music cognition. More information on SMPC can be found here: Feel free to contact the chair of the Program Committee (Peter Pfordresher, the sender of this email) with any questions regarding your submission. (P.S. SMPC 2011 is not to be confused with SMC 2011, which is a different conference concerning sound and music computing. There is no special journal issue currently planned in association with SMPC 2011.) /******************************************************/ Peter Q. Pfordresher, Ph.D. Associate Professor Department of Psychology, SUNY Buffalo Office: 355 Park Hall (Tel: 716.645.0234) Lab: 336-338 Park Hall (Tel: 716.645.0225) Fax: 716.645.3801

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