Re: slightly OT: raw audio file format (Bob Masta )

Subject: Re: slightly OT: raw audio file format
From:    Bob Masta  <audio@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Wed, 1 Jun 2011 07:46:13 -0400

Greetings: You can use my Daqarta for Windows software for this. Daqarta uses the extension ".DAT" to refer to any audio file with no header, or with an unknown header. You can either rename your file to have a .DAT extension , or enter the name manually. Download and start Daqarta. (No purchase required for this purpose.) Click on the "DD/Open" button in the main toolbar. This will start a standard Windows "Open" dialog. If your file has been renamed to .DAT, select it... otherwise enter the full name. When Daqarta tries to open the file and can't find a header it understands, it pops up a .DAT dialog that allows you to enter the properties of the file that you know or suspect. Daqarta currently supports 8, 12, or 16 bits, signed or unsigned, mono, stereo, or 4-channel, arbitrary sample rate, and decimation factor. You can also enter an arbitrary number of header bytes to be skipped. (Right-click on any control in Daqarta to see the Help topic for it.) The file will then be opened with these parameters. If it looks totally like trash, close it and try again. You may get something that looks reasonable, but with a burst of trash at the start... that may be an unknown header, which you can skip. When you have what you think is correct, you can either analyze it with Daqarta, or save it as a standard .WAV file for your software of choice. Best regards, Bob Masta ================== On 1 Jun 2011 at 12:00, Massimo Grassi wrote: > Dear list members, > > I've been asked by a friend to work on a recording. The recording file > extension is "raw". I'm not familiar with this type of file. As far as I > understood this file-type is an uncompressed audio file with no header > information. > > Here come the questions: > 1. Are the above information correct? > 2. Is there any other info missing? > 3. How do I understand sample rate and bit resolution if the file has no > header? > > Thank you all in advance, > m Bob Masta D A Q A R T A Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis Scope, Spectrum, Spectrogram, Signal Generator Science with your sound card!

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