another job opening at Oldenburg University, Germany (Volker Hohmann )

Subject: another job opening at Oldenburg University, Germany
From:    Volker Hohmann  <volker.hohmann@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Mon, 16 May 2011 09:49:21 +0200

Dear list, on behalf of Birger Kollmeier, I send information about yet another job opening at Oldenburg University. For more information please contact Birger (birger.kollmeier@xxxxxxxx). Best regards, Volker Hohmann *********************************************************** The Centre for Hearing Research and the Institute of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences of the University of Oldenburg are seeking to fill the position of a: Research Professor (W2) of Applied Physics in the area of Communication Acoustics The successful candidate should be a promising young researcher with an excellent international publication record and practical experience in at least one of the following areas: • Numerical, technical, and electro- acoustics • Psychological and physiological acoustics • Modern Methods in Speech and Audio Processing • Modelling of Speech Signals and Human Speech Perception • Computational neuroscience of the auditory system Qualifications according to § 25 NHG. Candidates should have the formal qualification for being eligible for a professorship (equivalence for the German “Habilitation”). The position is limited to 5 years. An extension (i.e., tenure track position) depends on the success of the cluster of excellence application “Hearing4all”. The successful candidate is expected to contribute to the structured research programmes within the Centre for Hearing Research, the collaborative research centre “The Active Auditory System” (SFB/TRR31), the national centre of competence for hearing technology (HörTech) and the PhD Program “Function and Pathophysiology of the Auditory System”. In case of a success in the ongoing grant application procedures, the successful candidate should actively contribute to the envisaged Forschergruppe “Individualisierte Hörakustik” and the envisaged cluster of excellence “Hearing4all”. In addition, she or he is expected to contribute to the core lecture program of the Institute of Physics (lecturing in English is acceptable, but German language skills should be acquired during the first 3-year period) with emphasis on engineering physics and acoustics. The University of Oldenburg is an equal-opportunity employer that seeks to increase the percentage of female faculty members. Women qualified for this position are therefore especially encouraged to apply. Applicants with disabilities will be preferentially considered in case of equal qualifications. Applications (including a CV, certificates and a list of publications) should be sent by June 17, 2011 to Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Faculty V, Centre for Hearing Research, Prof. Dr. Dr. Birger Kollmeier, D-26111 Oldenburg, Germany. *********************************************************** -- --------------------------------------------------------- PD Dr. Volker Hohmann Medizinische Physik Fakultät V - Institut für Physik Universität Oldenburg D - 26111 Oldenburg, Germany Tel. (+49) 441 798 5468 FAX (+49) 441 798 3902 Email: volker.hohmann@xxxxxxxx WWW: Public Key and Key Fingerprint: C75A 8A8D 9408 28EE FCFD 20CA 1D9F 23CC BAD2 B967 ---------------------------------------------------------

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