Subject: Re: distance perception in virtual environment From: Kevin Austin <kevin.austin@xxxxxxxx> Date: Sun, 17 Apr 2011 19:19:10 -0400 List-Archive:<>Thanks to Richard Lyon: "(2) The ear possesses no means by which the distance of a sound can be judged. Judgment of distance is an extra-auditory function." p. 104 THE BASIS OF SOUND-LOCALIZATION By H. BANISTER, Psychological Laboratory, Cambridge 1931 THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY Report of a DISCUSSION ON AUDITION HELD ON JUNE 19, 1931 AT THE IMPERIAL COLLEGE OF SCIENCE Published by THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY 1 Lowther Gardens, Exhibition Road London, S.W.7 Kevin On 2011, Apr 16, at 9:24 PM, Junfeng Li wrote: > Dear list, > > I am now wondering how to subjectively evaluate distance perception in virtual environments which might be synthesized using WFS or HOA (high-order ambisonics). In my experiments, the sounds were synthesized at different distances and presented to listeners for distance discrimination. However, the listener cannot easily perceive the difference in distance between these sounds. > > Anyone can share some ideas or experiences in distance perception experiments? or share some references on this issue? > > Thank you so much. > > Best regards, > Junfeng