Outstanding opportunity for a research associate at UCL in London (Stuart Rosen )

Subject: Outstanding opportunity for a research associate at UCL in London
From:    Stuart Rosen  <stuart@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Mon, 14 Feb 2011 10:54:55 +0000

We seek a post-doctoral research associate for a position in the Department of Speech, Hearing & Phonetic Sciences at UCL, working in a team with Andy Faulkner, Stuart Rosen and Tim Green. The post-holder will be responsible for the running of psychoacoustic and speech recognition experiments, and will assist in stimulus and task design, and the analysis and write up of data. Testing will be done in normal listeners, people with hearing impairment and users of cochlear implants. Details follow: Research Associate (Postdoctoral) UCL Department / Division: Psychology & Language Sciences Specific unit / Sub department: Speech Hearing & Phonetic Sciences Grade: 7 Hours: 36.5 Salary (inclusive of London allowance): £31,778 per annum Duties and Responsibilities UCL’s department of Speech Hearing & Phonetic Sciences seeks a post-doctoral researcher to contribute to investigations of speech perception in hearing-impaired listeners. The post-holder will work primarily on an RNID-funded project aimed at identifying the sources of benefits that some cochlear implant users obtain from limited residual acoustic hearing in their unimplanted ear. Approximately 20% of the post-holder’s time will involve working on an MRC-funded project investigating the specific causes of the difficulties experienced by hearing-impaired listeners in noisy backgrounds. The post-holder will be responsible for recruiting and testing participants and maintaining datasets, and will assist with stimulus/task preparation and the analysis and write up of the results for publication. The post is funded for 30 months. Key Requirements Applicants will be expected to have completed, or be in the process of completing, a PhD in a relevant field. Effective organisational and written and verbal communication skills are also essential. Experience with any of the following is desirable: working with hearing-impaired listeners, conducting psychophysical and speech recognition experiments, programming in MATLAB or similar languages. Further Details A job description and full person specification can be accessed at http://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/ACG315/research-associate/ The post is available from 1 April 2011 or as soon as possible thereafter and is funded for 30 months. If you have any queries, please contact Prof S Rosen via email: stuart@xxxxxxxx -- /*------------------------------------------------*/ Stuart Rosen, PhD Professor of Speech and Hearing Science Co-director of the UCL Centre for Human Communication Speech, Hearing and Phonetic Sciences UCL Division of Psychology & Language Sciences 2 Wakefield Street London WC1N 1PF England Tel: internal x24077 (+ 44 [0]20) 7679 4077 Admin: (+ 44 [0]20) 7679 4050 Fax: (+ 44 [0]20) 7679 4238 Email: stuart@xxxxxxxx Home page: http://www.phon.ucl.ac.uk/home/stuart Request an inspection copy of Signals and Systems for Speech and Hearing, 2nd edition by Stuart Rosen & Peter Howell http://info.emeraldinsight.com/promo/signals.htm /*------------------------------------------------*/

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