Post-doctoral Position: Research in Singing (Annabel Cohen )

Subject: Post-doctoral Position: Research in Singing
From:    Annabel Cohen  <Acohen@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Fri, 12 Feb 2010 20:34:46 -0400

Post-doctoral position to advance research in singing and to play a key role in a new international research network of scholars and partner organizations. An exciting postdoctoral position in research on singing is available at the University of Prince Edward Island, the coordinating institution for the AIRS (Advancing Interdisciplinary Research in Singing) Major Collaborative Research Initiative (MCRI) funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), and under the general direction of Dr. Annabel Cohen. Roughly 75% of the postdoctoral position will be spent pursuing research on one or more of the project themes (1) acquisition of singing in a cultural context (2) teaching of singing and the use of singing to teach (3) the role of singing in well being broadly defined. The remaining time will be directed to liaising with AIRS partner organizations (ranging from arts institutions to technology companies) in the context of the research and its applications. The position also entails contributing to the AIRS digital repository, dissemination of findings, and meetings of the collaboration. This position is for up to 30 months initially. Opportunity to teach a one semester course in psychology or music annually is possible. See: for the job posting. QUALIFICATIONS: Ph. D. in psychology (developmental, neuroscience, cognitive science) or music (ethnomusicology, musicology, computer music, choral music, music education), computer science, or other field related to singing research. Additional: familiarity with digital audio, ability or interest in singing (solo or choir), psychoacoustics, computer and statistical expertise, expertise with behavioural research, research in singing, quantitative and/or qualitative analysis, linguistics or psycholinguistics, and lifespan or multicultural studies or experience. SITE FACILITIES: Single and double walled sound attenuated testing rooms, TDT psychoacoustics software/hardware, Neuroscan 64 channel brainwave recorder, eye movement recorder, biosensors, suite of 10 music keyboard computers stations, video conferencing (Access Grid), audio and visual non linear editing facilities (AVID/ Digidesign), Macintosh and PC platforms, Digital library, keyboard and guitar MIDI controllers, 88 key touch sensitive keyboard, videocameras, microphones, speaker arrays, surround sound system, MATLAB, statistical analysis software, on line library resources. TO APPLY: A letter of application, curriculum vitae, sample publications (or list of electronic links) and names of three references should be sent to the address below (e mail preferred). Preliminary informal inquiries are also welcome. Annabel J. Cohen, Ph.D., AIRS MCRI Director and Principal Investigator Department of Psychology University of Prince Edward Island Charlottetown, PE, C1A 4P3 e mail: acohen@xxxxxxxx voice: 902 628 4325 fax: 902 628 4359 The position is available now. All qualified persons interested in opportunities to conduct pure and/or applied research in singing at the hub of a one of a kind international research collaboration are encouraged to apply.

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