2011 Scholarships Now Available: MARCS Auditory Laboratories, Sydney, Australia (Kate Stevens )

Subject: 2011 Scholarships Now Available: MARCS Auditory Laboratories, Sydney, Australia
From:    Kate Stevens  <kj.stevens@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Thu, 7 Oct 2010 10:39:48 +1100

MARCS Auditory Laboratories is a vibrant multi-disciplinary University of Western Sydney Research Centre. MARCS is involved in research involving auditory perception and cognition, particularly in the fields of Speech and Language; and Music, Sound, and Action. MARCS has state-of-the-art laboratories and equipment, extensive higher degree research student facilities, and numerous doctoral students, and research and support staff. MARCS personnel collaborate in various disciplines including psychology, linguistics, music, education, computer science and engineering, both nationally and internationally. MARCS offers PhD, Masters by Research, and Honours Degrees. Applications for a number of scholarship schemes for 2011 (PhD and Masters only) are now open; closing 29 October 2010. MARCS runs a competitive scholarship application program each year, attracting both international and local students. If you would like to be considered for a scholarship with MARCS in 2011 or 2012 please contact Denis Burnham or Kate Stevens to discuss your research. For further information about MARCS - http://marcs.uws.edu.au/ Scholarship details - http://www.uws.edu.au/research/scholarships Contacts Denis Burnham; d.burnham@xxxxxxxx (Speech & Language) Kate Stevens; kj.stevens@xxxxxxxx (Music, Sound & Action) Kym Buckley; marcs@xxxxxxxx (Administration) -- Assoc Prof Kate Stevens Convenor, Music, Sound, & Action: MARCS Auditory Laboratories University of Western Sydney - Bankstown Post: Locked Bag 1797 South Penrith 1797 Australia Ph: +612 9772 6324; Fax: +612 9772 6040 http://marcs.uws.edu.au http://katestevens.weebly.com --

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