Re: B&K PULSE 3560C +".DAT" FILES (Sam Jelfs )

Subject: Re: B&K PULSE 3560C +".DAT" FILES
From:    Sam Jelfs  <JelfsS1@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Thu, 30 Sep 2010 08:41:42 +0100

Julian and List Try using Audacity. It's a free audio workstation that can import raw data files. Though not knowing how the files are saved you might need to experiment with the import settings, but 32-bit little-endian floats seem to give something reasonable. Otherwise if you have access to matLab, the fread command will easily handle them. Sam. -----Original Message----- From: AUDITORY - Research in Auditory Perception [mailto:AUDITORY@xxxxxxxx On Behalf Of Julian Villegas Sent: 30 September 2010 06:43 To: AUDITORY@xxxxxxxx Subject: [AUDITORY] B&K PULSE 3560C +".DAT" FILES Dear list, I have a database of binaural recordings performed by Prof. Qu and colleagues as reported at IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUDIO, SPEECH, AND LANGUAGE PROCESSING, VOL. 17, NO. 6, AUGUST 2009. (The database is available at The database comprises .DAT files for each azimuth, elevation, and range of measurement. I presume that the .DAT files are produced by a B&K PULSE 3560C as mentioned in their article. I understand this is a binary file, and I was hoping to convert them into wav files or at least being able to read them but I don't know the format of the file, nor have access to a B&K Type 7698 software. I tried to contact B&K and the authors but haven't received any reply yet, meanwhile, I would like to ask your help in this issue, and also to share my frustration for not being able to find a free tool to read it. As with so many other software companies, they offer free readers for files produced with their non-free applications (take the Microsoft Office suit as an example). Is there anyway I can read these files? Thank you for your cooperation. Julian Villegas, Ph.D. Me pregunto de un modo pensativo Que significa ser Colombiano? No se le respondi. Es un acto de fe JLB.

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