ICAD Conference: 1st Call for Hosting ICAD 2012 (Bruce Walker )

Subject: ICAD Conference: 1st Call for Hosting ICAD 2012
From:    Bruce Walker  <bruce.walker@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Mon, 30 Aug 2010 09:59:19 -0400

The 1st Call for Organizers of ICAD 2012 The International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD) is an annual, single track conference that is the premier international venue for auditory display, sonification, and auditory interfaces. The ICAD conference typically includes paper talks, poster sessions, workshops, demos, and performances. The ICAD Board (http://www.icad.org) is interested in hearing from groups or individuals who would like to host the ICAD conference. Specifically, if you are interested in hosting the ICAD 2012 conference, please start by submitting a two to four page expression of interest in hosting the conference. Please include: * proposed location and date of the 2012 conference (generally June or July) * committee members who would be responsible for organizing the conference * institution(s) who will be helping to sponsor the conference * potential venue for the conference * accomodations for conference attendees with their approximate cost * a rough outline of the proposed conference programme * a rough social programme proposal Deadline for (required) letter expressing interest: October 01, 2010 (but please contact us sooner, if possible). Deadline for complete proposal submission: December 01, 2010. Board will evaluate the proposals in December 2010, and may correspond with those submitting proposals for clarifications and refinements. Candidates will be informed about the decision in early 2011, and will be expected to make a presentation at ICAD 2011 in Budapest, Hungary, in June. We also note that 2012 will be the 20-year anniversary of the first ICAD conference, held in Santa Fe, New Mexico in 1992. We hope to include appropriate celebrations into the ICAD 2012 program. Please send letters of interest and hosting proposals to ICAD President, Dr. Bruce Walker (bruce.walker@xxxxxxxx). Further information is available at: http://www.icad.org/hostingicad ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bruce Walker, Ph.D. bruce.walker@xxxxxxxx School of Psychology (404) 894-8265 (office) Georgia Institute of Technology (404) 894-8905 (fax) 654 Cherry Street, Atlanta, Georgia, USA 30332-0170 Web: http://sonify.psych.gatech.edu/~walkerb/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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