Looking for article: Noll (1969), Pitch determination of human speech by the harmonic product spectrum,... (alexander lerch )

Subject: Looking for article: Noll (1969), Pitch determination of human speech by the harmonic product spectrum,...
From:    alexander lerch  <lerch.maillists@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Wed, 28 Jul 2010 14:11:34 -0700

Dear List, does anyone have access to this article? If so, would it be possible to email me a copy? Thanks, Alexander A. Michael Noll, Pitch determination of human speech by the harmonic product spectrum, the harmonic sum spectrum, and maximum likelihood estimate, Proceedings of the Symposium on Computer Processing in Communications, April, 1969. Apparently published in: Vol. XIX, Polytechnic Press: Brooklyn, New York, (1970), pp. 779-797

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