Tianshu Qu's HRTF (Julian Villegas )

Subject: Tianshu Qu's HRTF
From:    Julian Villegas  <julovi@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Fri, 2 Jul 2010 06:04:26 -0700

hello everybody, does anybody know where to find the HRTF measurements done by Prof. Qu? I found an article anthologizing his results ("Distance dependent head-related transfer function database of KEMAR") but I haven't been able to find the database. Alternatively, I'm looking for a freely available database of HRTFs measured at different distances. Thank you for your advice, Julian Villegas, Ph.D. http://julovi.net Me pregunto de un modo pensativo Que significa ser Colombiano? No se le respondi. Es un acto de fe JLB.

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