Subject: Fellowship opportunities for C4DM, Queen Mary University of London From: Mark Plumbley <mark.plumbley@xxxxxxxx> Date: Tue, 25 May 2010 11:07:43 +0100 List-Archive:<>Dear List, To follow up Isabel's message about open EU Fellowships, at the Centre for Digital Music (C4DM) at Queen Mary University of London, we have gathered together some information about possible relevant postdoctoral fellowship schemes at: While the focus of these are for people who would like to carry out postdoctoral research work at C4DM, the schemes may also be of more general interest to the wider community. The schemes on our list are focussed on these relevant to fellowships to undertake in the UK, but include the EU Marie Curie schemes for people looking to move countries. The fellowships currently open are summarized below. All have a deadline in August, but of course it is always a good idea to start these things early to avoid vacation times! If you are interested in any of these opportunities, please FIRST check the scheme details for eligibility information to make sure you are eligible for that scheme. For example, some schemes are only valid for researchers from certain countries (e.g. non-UK citizens). These schemes are often quite competitive, so you will need to write a strong proposal. You will need to be prepared to write most of the proposal yourself, although we will be able to help with information about C4DM as the host for your research. An overview of our research is at: To discuss any proposal for research in one of our general areas of interest, please contact one of the people in the areas below: * Audio Engineering: Contact: Josh Reiss - * Interactional Sound: Contact: Nick Bryan-Kinns - * Machine Listening: Contact: Mark Plumbley - or Anssi Klapuri - * Music Informatics: Contact: Simon Dixon - Alternatively, if you know a particular person that you would like to work with, see the list of Academic Staff at and contact them directly. Other people listed there include Mark Sandler (head of C4DM) and Panos Kudumakis (Music rights management & standardization). Best wishes, Mark Plumbley --------------- Selected open fellowship opportunities EPSRC Postdoctoral Research Fellowships A scheme for talented new researchers to establish an independent research career shortly after completing a PhD (up to three years postdoctoral research). The "Cross-Disciplinary Interfaces" fellowships are most likely to be of interest for C4DM candidates. Next deadline: 12 August 2010 More details: Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships (IEF) An EU Framework 7 (FP7) scheme for experienced researchers (typically postdoctoral) who wish to move from one Member State or Associated country to another (e.g. the UK). Here "Europe" means an EU Member State or Associated country. Next deadline: 17 August 2010 More details: Latest call: FP7-PEOPLE-2010-IEF Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowships (IIF) An EU Framework 7 (FP7) scheme for experienced researchers (typically postdoctoral) who wish to move to Europe (e.g. the UK) from outside Europe. Here "Europe" means an EU Member State or Associated country. Next deadline: 17 August 2010 More details: Latest call: FP7-PEOPLE-2010-IIF For more fellowships, see -- Prof Mark D Plumbley Electronic Engineering & Computer Science (Eng Bldg) Queen Mary University of London Mile End Road, London E1 4NS, UK Tel: +44 (0)20 7882 7518 Fax: +44 (0)20 7882 7997 Email: mark.plumbley@xxxxxxxx