Re: sex differences in perception of environmental sounds (David John SMith )

Subject: Re: sex differences in perception of environmental sounds
From:    David John SMith  <smithd@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Wed, 19 May 2010 09:46:25 -0400
List-Archive:<> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" I agree - interpretation is also a fleeting thing -? the sounds in a clas= sroom resulting from an experiment involving 1"=20 solid steel spheres bouncing on the concrete floor of the classroom above,= for example, could be interpreted as an=20 expression of disdain for the english dept on the part of the physics dept= , or not. Can anyone name a stable widespread culturally or sexually specific sound= event interpretation not having to do=20 with gas escaping from bodily cavities??=20 -----Original Message----- From: valeriy shafiro &lt;firosha@xxxxxxxx&gt; To: AUDITORY@xxxxxxxx Sent: Tue, May 18, 2010 10:58 pm Subject: Re: [AUDITORY] sex differences in perception of environmental sou= nds =20 =20 =20 Dear Milena,=20 =20 You raise several important points. The cultural, environmental, and=20 other factors you mention are certainly worth considering. However,=20 depending on specific questions one is asking their influence may (or=20 may not) be detected in an experiment. In this case, deciding how=20 specifically these potentially important factors influence our=20 everyday perception becomes more of a personal opinion. For example,=20 if one is concerned with acoustic cues to the perception of breaking=20 and bouncing events, to draw on a classic study, the results may not=20 necessarily be influenced by the factors you mentioned (most societies=20 have experience with breaking and bouncing). On the other hand, for a=20 specific set of culturally specific sounds there could be marked=20 differences, perhaps not entirely unlike some of the differences=20 between any expert and novice listeners. The magnitude and nature of=20 these effects still remains to be explored for the most part. While=20 there are good reasons to believe that these cultural and societal=20 factors may play a role, there is not much in the way of empirical=20 evidence that I am aware of (except what Brian mentioned, and a couple=20 of other studies, depending on how exactly you frame the question). I=20 could not agree with you more that these factors should be=20 investigated further and I think it is unfortunate that there is such=20 a large gap between ecological acoustics and acoustic ecology, despite=20 a seeming terminological similarity and often common goals of=20 understanding sound perception in the real world. At the same time I=20 believe that discussions like this, while getting further and further=20 away from the original question asked by Joanna, do help to consider=20 different takes on the same underlying questions.=20 =20 Best,=20 =20 Valeriy=20 =20 On 5/18/10, Milena Droumeva &lt;mvdroume@xxxxxxxx&gt; wrote:=20 &gt; Dear all,=20 &gt;=20 &gt; rather than having some hard evidence to offer, I see this important= =20 &gt; discussion as a way to keep the conversation going and wanted to just= =20 &gt; express an opinion on the definition of "environmental sounds" and ot= her=20 &gt; confounding factors about the perception of environmental sounds that= I=20 &gt; believe defy a bit direct comparisons of basic human differences such= as=20 &gt; sex, even age, etc.=20 &gt;=20 &gt; My familiarity and work with environmental sounds comes from some yea= rs of=20 &gt; work as a sound designer and auditory display designer where I've tak= en=20 &gt; "environmental sounds" and used them as basis for designing informati= onal=20 &gt; displays, as well as continuous feedback. I also have a background in= =20 &gt; acoustic ecology of the R.M. Schafer kind (if any of you are familiar= )=20 &gt;=20 &gt; I have to admit I am surprised to learn that in the psychology area= there is=20 &gt; an established definition of environmental sounds, given - and here= is my=20 &gt; "opinion" point - the highly culturally defined and specific nature= of=20 &gt; environmental sound perception. The example of baby crying is just to= o easy=20 &gt; to pick on, but I will anyway - it could be argued that this is a hig= hly=20 &gt; particular sound, laden with cultural meaning and habituation. Before= it can=20 &gt; be reduced to sex differences, must we not recognize that not only pa= rents=20 &gt; vs. non-parents would naturally have an elevated sensitivity to it,= as it is=20 &gt; meaningful, but also women, even non-parents - get socialized in almo= st=20 &gt; every culture - to think of themselves as potential mothers, and thus= might,=20 &gt; again, be more sensitive to a sound of baby crying. To me, this does= not=20 &gt; imply biology and primary psychology (that is, sex differences in=20 &gt; perception) - it implies cultural habituation.=20 &gt;=20 &gt; This can be said for many, seemingly "innocent" and everyday/familiar= =20 &gt; environmental sounds - and I am curios, based on this discussion - ar= e any=20 &gt; of these other confounding factors (pesky cultural ones) being taken= into=20 &gt; account in any way in the psychoacoustic field?=20 &gt;=20 &gt; Further - is any difference being made in the definition of environme= ntal=20 &gt; sounds between human, mechanical, electronic, electroacoustic and dig= ital=20 &gt; sound?=20 &gt;=20 &gt; Thank you for entertaining my concerns - I just think this is a reall= y=20 &gt; important discussion to have here!=20 &gt;=20 &gt; Milena=20 &gt;=20 &gt; On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 11:11 PM, Brian Gygi &lt;bgygi@xxxxxxxx&gt;= wrote:=20 &gt; &gt;=20 &gt; &gt;=20 &gt; &gt;=20 &gt; &gt; David,=20 &gt; &gt;=20 &gt; &gt;=20 &gt; &gt; Although no formal body has ruled on the topic, in the past seve= ral years=20 &gt; the term "environmental sounds" has acquired a relatively stable defi= nition=20 &gt; - namely familiar, naturally occurring sounds that refer to physical= =20 &gt; sources in the environment. There is of course some ambiguity regard= ing=20 &gt; precisely what fits into this category, i.e., do musical instruments= count,=20 &gt; whose primary function is acoustic conveyance of aesthetic attributes= rather=20 &gt; than sound source specification? In any case,tThis is the definition= I and=20 &gt; others have taken in our work and what I assume Joanna meant. If not= I hope=20 &gt; she will let us know.=20 &gt; &gt;=20 &gt; &gt;=20 &gt; &gt;=20 &gt; &gt; Brian Gygi, Ph.D.=20 &gt; &gt; Speech and Hearing Research=20 &gt; &gt; Veterans Affairs Northern California Health Care System=20 &gt; &gt; 150 Muir Road=20 &gt; &gt; Martinez, CA 94553=20 &gt; &gt; (925) 372-2000 x5653=20 &gt; &gt;=20 &gt; &gt;=20 &gt; &gt; -----Original Message-----=20 &gt; &gt; From: David Mountain [mailto:dcm@xxxxxxxx=20 &gt; &gt; Sent: Monday, May 17, 2010 08:06 PM=20 &gt; &gt; To: AUDITORY@xxxxxxxx=20 &gt; &gt;=20 &gt; &gt;=20 &gt; &gt;=20 &gt; &gt;=20 &gt; &gt; Subject: Re: sex differences in perception of environmental soun= ds=20 &gt; &gt;=20 &gt; &gt;=20 &gt; &gt;=20 &gt; &gt;=20 &gt; &gt;=20 &gt; &gt; I think that before we can address this question, we need to def= ine what=20 &gt; we mean by "environmental sounds."=20 &gt; &gt;=20 &gt; &gt;=20 &gt; &gt;=20 &gt; &gt; On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 10:47 AM, valeriy shafiro &lt;firosha@xxxxxxxx=;=20 &gt; wrote:=20 &gt; &gt;=20 &gt; &gt; &gt;=20 &gt; &gt; &gt; Dear Joanna,=20 &gt; &gt; &gt;=20 &gt; &gt; &gt; As far as I know across the studies of environmental sound= perception=20 &gt; &gt; &gt; in the last 20-30 years none was designed specifically to= examine=20 &gt; &gt; &gt; male/female differences. Results from studies that looked= at=20 &gt; &gt; &gt; identification of large collections of different types of= =20 &gt; &gt; &gt; environmental sounds also did not find any differences, alt= hough in a=20 &gt; &gt; &gt; recent study on environmental sound identification within= contextually=20 &gt; &gt; &gt; congruent and incongruent auditory scenes, Brian Gygi and= I, saw an=20 &gt; &gt; &gt; overall identification difference between males and females= , but it=20 &gt; &gt; &gt; was small (3-4 points) and non significant. It is conceiva= ble that=20 &gt; &gt; &gt; given a large variety of familiar environmental sounds test= ed in these=20 &gt; &gt; &gt; studies, whatever differences there may be between males an= d females=20 &gt; &gt; &gt; are obscured, and that for a set of specific sounds there= are may be=20 &gt; &gt; &gt; sex differeces in behavioral of physiologic measures (e.g.= baby=20 &gt; &gt; &gt; crying). While not specifically targeting environmental so= unds, John=20 &gt; &gt; &gt; Neuhoff did find some interesting sex differences in the pe= rception of=20 &gt; &gt; &gt; looming motion, which might relevant to your question.=20 &gt; &gt; &gt;=20 &gt; &gt; &gt; Best regards,=20 &gt; &gt; &gt;=20 &gt; &gt; &gt; Valeriy=20 &gt; &gt; &gt;=20 &gt; &gt; &gt; On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 7:40 AM, Joanna Kantor-Martynuska= =20 &gt; &gt; &gt; &lt;joanna.kantor@xxxxxxxx&gt; wrote:=20 &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; Dear Auditory List,=20 &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;=20 &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; I would very much appreciate your suggestions about th= e literature=20 &gt; regarding=20 &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; sex differences in perception of environmental sounds.= I intrested=20 &gt; in=20 &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; physiological indices of auditory predispositions for= perception of=20 &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; different sounds we encounter in our natural environme= nt.=20 &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;=20 &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; Looking forward to any interesting suggestions or link= s.=20 &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt;=20 &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; Best,=20 &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; Joanna Kantor=20 &gt; &gt; &gt;=20 &gt; &gt;=20 &gt; &gt;=20 &gt; &gt;=20 &gt; &gt; --=20 &gt; &gt;=20 &gt; &gt; David C. Mountain, Ph.D.=20 &gt; &gt; Professor of Biomedical Engineering=20 &gt; &gt;=20 &gt; &gt; Boston University=20 &gt; &gt; 44 Cummington St.=20 &gt; &gt; Boston, MA 02215=20 &gt; &gt;=20 &gt; &gt; Email: dcm@xxxxxxxx=20 &gt; &gt; Website:=20 &gt; &gt; &gt; Phone: (617) 353-4343=20 &gt; &gt; FAX: (617) 353-6766=20 &gt; &gt; Office: ERB 413=20 &gt; &gt;=20 &gt; &gt;=20 &gt;=20 &gt;=20 =20 =20 =3D Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" <div> I agree - interpretation is also a fleeting thing -&nbsp; the sounds= in a classroom resulting from an experiment involving 1" <br> solid steel spheres bouncing on the concrete floor of the classroom above,= for example, could be interpreted as an <br> expression of disdain for the english dept on the part of the physics dept= , or not.<br> <br> Can anyone name a stable widespread culturally or sexually specific sound= event interpretation not having to do <br> with gas escaping from bodily cavities?&nbsp; <br> <br> <br> </div> <div><br> </div> -----Original Message-----<br> From: valeriy shafiro &lt;firosha@xxxxxxxx&gt;<br> To: AUDITORY@xxxxxxxx<br> Sent: Tue, May 18, 2010 10:58 pm<br> Subject: Re: [AUDITORY] sex differences in perception of environmental sou= nds<br> <br> <br> <div id=3D"AOLMsgPart_0_f5742939-66f8-499c-9607-a16b9e9f9508" style=3D"mar= gin: 0px; font-family: Tahoma,Verdana,Arial,Sans-Serif; font-size: 12px;= color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"> <br> <br> <pre style=3D"font-size: 9pt;"><tt>Dear Milena, <br> <br> You raise several important points. The cultural, environmental, and <br> other factors you mention are certainly worth considering. However, <br> depending on specific questions one is asking their influence may (or <br> may not) be detected in an experiment. In this case, deciding how <br> specifically these potentially important factors influence our <br> everyday perception becomes more of a personal opinion. For example, <br> if one is concerned with acoustic cues to the perception of breaking <br> and bouncing events, to draw on a classic study, the results may not <br> necessarily be influenced by the factors you mentioned (most societies <br= > have experience with breaking and bouncing). On the other hand, for a <br= > specific set of culturally specific sounds there could be marked <br> differences, perhaps not entirely unlike some of the differences <br> between any expert and novice listeners. The magnitude and nature of <br> these effects still remains to be explored for the most part. While <br> there are good reasons to believe that these cultural and societal <br> factors may play a role, there is not much in the way of empirical <br> evidence that I am aware of (except what Brian mentioned, and a couple <br= > of other studies, depending on how exactly you frame the question). I <br= > could not agree with you more that these factors should be <br> investigated further and I think it is unfortunate that there is such <br> a large gap between ecological acoustics and acoustic ecology, despite <br= > a seeming terminological similarity and often common goals of <br> understanding sound perception in the real world. At the same time I <br> believe that discussions like this, while getting further and further <br> away from the original question asked by Joanna, do help to consider <br> different takes on the same underlying questions. <br> <br> Best, <br> <br> Valeriy <br> <br> On 5/18/10, Milena Droumeva &lt;<a>mvdroume@xxxxxxxx</a>&gt; wrote: <br> &gt; Dear all, <br> &gt; <br> &gt; rather than having some hard evidence to offer, I see this important= <br> &gt; discussion as a way to keep the conversation going and wanted to just= <br> &gt; express an opinion on the definition of "environmental sounds" and ot= her <br> &gt; confounding factors about the perception of environmental sounds that= I <br> &gt; believe defy a bit direct comparisons of basic human differences such= as <br> &gt; sex, even age, etc. <br> &gt; <br> &gt; My familiarity and work with environmental sounds comes from some yea= rs of <br> &gt; work as a sound designer and auditory display designer where I've tak= en <br> &gt; "environmental sounds" and used them as basis for designing informati= onal <br> &gt; displays, as well as continuous feedback. I also have a background in= <br> &gt; acoustic ecology of the R.M. Schafer kind (if any of you are familiar= ) <br> &gt; <br> &gt; I have to admit I am surprised to learn that in the psychology area= there is <br> &gt; an established definition of environmental sounds, given - and here= is my <br> &gt; "opinion" point - the highly culturally defined and specific nature= of <br> &gt; environmental sound perception. The example of baby crying is just to= o easy <br> &gt; to pick on, but I will anyway - it could be argued that this is a hig= hly <br> &gt; particular sound, laden with cultural meaning and habituation. Before= it can <br> &gt; be reduced to sex differences, must we not recognize that not only pa= rents <br> &gt; vs. non-parents would naturally have an elevated sensitivity to it,= as it is <br> &gt; meaningful, but also women, even non-parents - get socialized in almo= st <br> &gt; every culture - to think of themselves as potential mothers, and thus= might, <br> &gt; again, be more sensitive to a sound of baby crying. To me, this does= not <br> &gt; imply biology and primary psychology (that is, sex differences in <br= > &gt; perception) - it implies cultural habituation. <br> &gt; <br> &gt; This can be said for many, seemingly "innocent" and everyday/familiar= <br> &gt; environmental sounds - and I am curios, based on this discussion - ar= e any <br> &gt; of these other confounding factors (pesky cultural ones) being taken= into <br> &gt; account in any way in the psychoacoustic field? <br> &gt; <br> &gt; Further - is any difference being made in the definition of environme= ntal <br> &gt; sounds between human, mechanical, electronic, electroacoustic and dig= ital <br> &gt; sound? <br> &gt; <br> &gt; Thank you for entertaining my concerns - I just think this is a reall= y <br> &gt; important discussion to have here! <br> &gt; <br> &gt; Milena <br> &gt; <br> &gt; On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 11:11 PM, Brian Gygi &lt;<a>bgygi@xxxxxxxx</= a>&gt; wrote: <br> &gt; &gt; <br> &gt; &gt; <br> &gt; &gt; <br> &gt; &gt; David, <br> &gt; &gt; <br> &gt; &gt; <br> &gt; &gt; Although no formal body has ruled on the topic, in the past seve= ral years <br> &gt; the term "environmental sounds" has acquired a relatively stable defi= nition <br> &gt; - namely familiar, naturally occurring sounds that refer to physical= <br> &gt; sources in the environment. There is of course some ambiguity regard= ing <br> &gt; precisely what fits into this category, i.e., do musical instruments= count, <br> &gt; whose primary function is acoustic conveyance of aesthetic attributes= rather <br> &gt; than sound source specification? In any case,tThis is the definition= I and <br> &gt; others have taken in our work and what I assume Joanna meant. If not= I hope <br> &gt; she will let us know. <br> &gt; &gt; <br> &gt; &gt; <br> &gt; &gt; <br> &gt; &gt; Brian Gygi, Ph.D. <br> &gt; &gt; Speech and Hearing Research <br> &gt; &gt; Veterans Affairs Northern California Health Care System <br> &gt; &gt; 150 Muir Road <br> &gt; &gt; Martinez, CA 94553 <br> &gt; &gt; (925) 372-2000 x5653 <br> &gt; &gt; <br> &gt; &gt; <br> &gt; &gt; -----Original Message----- <br> &gt; &gt; From: David Mountain [<a>mailto:dcm@xxxxxxxx</a>] <br> &gt; &gt; Sent: Monday, May 17, 2010 08:06 PM <br> &gt; &gt; To: <a>AUDITORY@xxxxxxxx</a> <br> &gt; &gt; <br> &gt; &gt; <br> &gt; &gt; <br> &gt; &gt; <br> &gt; &gt; Subject: Re: sex differences in perception of environmental soun= ds <br> &gt; &gt; <br> &gt; &gt; <br> &gt; &gt; <br> &gt; &gt; <br> &gt; &gt; <br> &gt; &gt; I think that before we can address this question, we need to def= ine what <br> &gt; we mean by "environmental sounds." <br> &gt; &gt; <br> &gt; &gt; <br> &gt; &gt; <br> &gt; &gt; On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 10:47 AM, valeriy shafiro &lt;<a>firosha= @xxxxxxxx</a>&gt; <br> &gt; wrote: <br> &gt; &gt; <br> &gt; &gt; &gt; <br> &gt; &gt; &gt; Dear Joanna, <br> &gt; &gt; &gt; <br> &gt; &gt; &gt; As far as I know across the studies of environmental sound= perception <br> &gt; &gt; &gt; in the last 20-30 years none was designed specifically to= examine <br> &gt; &gt; &gt; male/female differences. Results from studies that looked= at <br> &gt; &gt; &gt; identification of large collections of different types of= <br> &gt; &gt; &gt; environmental sounds also did not find any differences, alt= hough in a <br> &gt; &gt; &gt; recent study on environmental sound identification within= contextually <br> &gt; &gt; &gt; congruent and incongruent auditory scenes, Brian Gygi and= I, saw an <br> &gt; &gt; &gt; overall identification difference between males and females= , but it <br> &gt; &gt; &gt; was small (3-4 points) and non significant. It is conceiva= ble that <br> &gt; &gt; &gt; given a large variety of familiar environmental sounds test= ed in these <br> &gt; &gt; &gt; studies, whatever differences there may be between males an= d females <br> &gt; &gt; &gt; are obscured, and that for a set of specific sounds there= are may be <br> &gt; &gt; &gt; sex differeces in behavioral of physiologic measures (e.g.= baby <br> &gt; &gt; &gt; crying). While not specifically targeting environmental so= unds, John <br> &gt; &gt; &gt; Neuhoff did find some interesting sex differences in the pe= rception of <br> &gt; &gt; &gt; looming motion, which might relevant to your question. <br> &gt; &gt; &gt; <br> &gt; &gt; &gt; Best regards, <br> &gt; &gt; &gt; <br> &gt; &gt; &gt; Valeriy <br> &gt; &gt; &gt; <br> &gt; &gt; &gt; On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 7:40 AM, Joanna Kantor-Martynuska= <br> &gt; &gt; &gt; &lt;<a>joanna.kantor@xxxxxxxx</a>&gt; wrote: <br> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; Dear Auditory List, <br> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; <br> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; I would very much appreciate your suggestions about th= e literature <br> &gt; regarding <br> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; sex differences in perception of environmental sounds.= I intrested <br> &gt; in <br> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; physiological indices of auditory predispositions for= perception of <br> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; different sounds we encounter in our natural environme= nt. <br> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; <br> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; Looking forward to any interesting suggestions or link= s. <br> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; <br> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; Best, <br> &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; Joanna Kantor <br> &gt; &gt; &gt; <br> &gt; &gt; <br> &gt; &gt; <br> &gt; &gt; <br> &gt; &gt; -- <br> &gt; &gt; <br> &gt; &gt; David C. Mountain, Ph.D. <br> &gt; &gt; Professor of Biomedical Engineering <br> &gt; &gt; <br> &gt; &gt; Boston University <br> &gt; &gt; 44 Cummington St. <br> &gt; &gt; Boston, MA 02215 <br> &gt; &gt; <br> &gt; &gt; Email: <a>dcm@xxxxxxxx</a> <br> &gt; &gt; Website: <br> &gt; <a></= a> <br> &gt; &gt; Phone: (617) 353-4343 <br> &gt; &gt; FAX: (617) 353-6766 <br> &gt; &gt; Office: ERB 413 <br> &gt; &gt; <br> &gt; &gt; <br> &gt; <br> &gt; <br> </tt></pre> <br> </div> <br>

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