Subject: Re: sound events database From: Ernesto Accolti <ernestoaccolti@xxxxxxxx> Date: Tue, 4 May 2010 15:29:06 +0200 List-Archive:<>Dear Dr Heller Many thanks for the calibration data. I will see it soon. Also I want to say that it is very interesting to have this kind of sound events calibrated and recorded at a known distance, because it is very difficult to find the typical Lp values in the bibliography. (For some applications of soundbases, such as mine, the typical Lp value could be sufficient but very difficult to find for some events). Once again thanks to everyone involved in the discussion. Best regards, Ernesto. 2010/5/3 Laurie Heller <hellerl@xxxxxxxx>: > Dear list members, > FYI, the most stable way to access my Sound Events Database as it undergoes > change is to start from and click on the sound events > downloads tab (i.e., don't try the defunct URL that a well-meaning list > member recently posted). These sounds are freely distributed for academic > use (with acknowledgment to the database/NSF0446955). Also, in response to > Ernesto Accolti's inquiry, I am presently working on compiling more > calibration data. > Laurie Heller, Ph.D. > Department of Psychology > Carnegie Mellon University > > > > >