Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience Symposium in Montreal, April 16th (Marc Schoenwiesner )

Subject: Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience Symposium in Montreal, April 16th
From:    Marc Schoenwiesner  <marcs@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Mon, 12 Apr 2010 13:32:02 -0400

Dear all, The International Laboratory for Brain, Music and Sound Research (BRAMS) is pleased to announce a full-day symposium on Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience, held at the Montreal Neurological Institute one day before the Cognitive Neuroscience Society meeting. This is the second announcement; please find the final program below. More information can be found here: Cheers, Marc Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience Symposium 8:45am - Opening 9:00am - Session 1: "Neural Coding in the Auditory Cortex" 09.00 - Claude Alain, Rotman Research Institute - "Neuromagnetic recordings reveal additive effects of spectral and spatial cues in human auditory cortex? 09.25 - Evan Balaban, McGill University - ?The auditory discontinuity illusion: Individual differences in scene analysis related to the strength of short-latency neural responses? 09.50 - Tobias Overath, New York University, USA - ?Cortical mechanisms for the segregation and representation of acoustic textures? 10.00 - Marc Schoenwiesner, Université de Montréal - "How to get out more often (and take your experiment with you)? 10:25am - Coffee breaks & posters 10:45am - Session 2: "Emotional Communication by Sound" 10.45 - Jorge Armony, McGill University - ?Perception and memory of emotional expressions across modalities? 11.10 - Hauke Egermann, McGill University - ?Emotion Induction Through Music: Effects of Listening Contexts and Musical Structures? 11.20 - Sarah Wilson, University of Melbourne, Australia - ?Music as Communication: 'Finding your voice'? 11.45 - Teppo Särkämö, Helsinki University, Finland - ?Auditory plasticity induced by music and speech listening after stroke: an MEG follow-up study? 11.55 - Pascal Belin, University of Glasgow, Scotland 12:20 - Lunch break 2:00pm - Session 3: "Sensorimotor Integration" 02.00 - Caroline Palmer, McGill University - ?Sensorimotor integration among performing musicians? 02.25 - Bruno Giordano, McGill University - ?Cortical processing of environmental sounds? 02.35 - Virginia Penhune, Concordia University - ?Rhythm processing and auditory-motor integration? 03.00 - Patrice Voss, McGill University - ?Auditory processing in blind indiviuals? 03.10 - David Poeppel, New York University, USA - ?Feedforward and feedback at the nexus of sensorimotor integration? 3:35pm - Coffee break & posters ================================== Marc Schoenwiesner, PhD International Laboratory for Brain Music and Sound Research (BRAMS) Pavillon 1420 Mont-Royal Université de Montréal Montréal, Québec __o Canada, H2V 4P3 _`\<,_ fax: 514-343-2175 (+)/ (+) tel: 514-343-6111 x3181 lab website: ==================================

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