Northeast Music Cognition Group: Call for Participation (Mary Farbood )

Subject: Northeast Music Cognition Group: Call for Participation
From:    Mary Farbood  <mary@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Tue, 12 Jan 2010 10:35:51 -0500

(Apologies for the cross-posting) Dear Colleague, We are writing to invite you to participate in the first of what we hope will be several regular meetings of the Northeast Music Cognition Group (NEMCOG). The goal of this group is to facilitate interaction among researchers at institutions along the Northeast Corridor who are interested in the area of music cognition, to discuss research in the field, and to identify topics of joint interest and areas for potential collaboration. Our inaugural workshop will take place on Saturday, February 6 at New York University's Music and Audio Research Laboratory (details TBA). If you would like to attend this opening event, RSVP to owner-nemcog-announce@xxxxxxxx by January 22. There is no registration fee, and catered lunch will be provided. We plan to hold a second meeting in New Haven in April 2010, and then two meetings per semester, based on our members' interest. The schedule for the inaugural workshop is as follows: 9:30am-12:00pm Introductions and presentation of research projects 12:00-1:30pm Lunch 1:30-2:30pm Keynote talk by Eugene Narmour 2:30-3:00pm Break 3:00-5:00pm Free-form discussion Your participation in this event might take one of several forms: (1) Most minimally, you might choose to be an "interested non-attendee." In this role, you would be kept abreast of the group's activities through continued inclusion on our e-mail list. If this message was forwarded to you by a colleague or through another e-mail list, and you would like to receive our regular announcements, please contact owner-nemcog-announce@xxxxxxxx (2) Less minimally, you might choose to participate in the workshop itself, in one of two ways: (a) You might come as a simple participant, attending the day's events and enjoying the company of your colleagues. (b) You might, in addition, choose to give a very short (10-15 minutes) and informal presentation of your work, aimed at a fairly general audience that will include people with established research programs in areas outside your specialty, as well as graduate students and other newcomers to the field. The goal is simply to give a broadly contextualized sense of the questions you're asking, not a detailed picture of your answers. If you would like to do a presentation, please indicate so in your RSVP with a tentative title and, optionally, a short abstract or bio. This information will be shared with our attendees and posted on our web site. We hope that most people will choose to present their work at our upcoming meeting. However, future meetings will include similar opportunities, so please don't worry if you can't introduce your work this time around. The final session on our schedule is a free-form discussion, open to all participants, in which we will share ideas concerning the future course of our group. In particular, we will discuss possible activities that this group might undertake in the future, from formal talks to organized panels to informal discussion of preprints and recent articles. We would like this group to be a valuable resource for the region's music cognition community, and look forward to your participation in getting the group off the ground. Please circulate this invitation widely to anybody that you think might be interested and able to attend either the opening meeting in New York or future meetings in New Haven or elsewhere in the area. Yours, Morwaread Farbood and Panayotis Mavromatis NYU Music and Audio Research Laboratory Department of Music and Performing Arts New York University Ève Poudrier and Ian Quinn Department of Music and Program in Cognitive Science Yale University

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