Re: [Ika-auditory] [AUDITORY] ITDs (Joachim Thiemann )

Subject: Re: [Ika-auditory] [AUDITORY] ITDs
From:    Joachim Thiemann  <joachim.thiemann@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Wed, 23 Sep 2009 20:51:46 -0400

On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 16:47, Nilesh Madhu <Nilesh.Madhu@xxxxxxxx> wrote: > [...] However, this can be avoided by computing > the ITD on the basis of the envelopes of a suitably band-passed region in > these frequencies. This could also be the reason for the increasing bandwidth > of the auditory filters, with increasing center frequency. Hello Nilesh, I think another thing to consider is that since the BW of the auditory filters increases with center frequencies, the envelope will also increase in bandwidth. Also, even minor ILDs of sounds other than the test tone will affect the envelope more strongly. What I am trying to convey (probably badly) is that I think for higher frequency bands, in _natural_ circumstances (that is, not headphone stimuli), the interaural envelopes are probably not correlated enough (due to reverb, noise, etc) for the brain to detect ITD cues, or at least most people will never learn to use these cues without training. Joe. -- Joachim Thiemann ::

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