manual speech concatenation excersizes for students (valeriy shafiro )

Subject: manual speech concatenation excersizes for students
From:    valeriy shafiro  <firosha@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Mon, 5 Jan 2009 11:32:10 -0600

------=_Part_132686_27613517.1231176730995 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline Dear list, Has anyone used speech concatenation exercises in their teaching of acoustic phonetics as a way to illustrate some of the problems of going from discrete phonetic symbols to continuous acoustic signals when parsing speech? I am thinking of a small project where students would have several recorded phrases or words and would need to synthesize a new phrase, based on the recordings (using something like Praat or similar waveform editing software).The goal wouldn't necessarily be to achieve good quality synthesis, but to document the problems that come up and explain them. I would appreciate suggestions and pointers, if anyone did something like this before. Thank you, Valeriy ------=_Part_132686_27613517.1231176730995 Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline <div>Dear list,</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>Has anyone used speech concatenation exercises in their teaching of acoustic phonetics as a way to illustrate some of the problems of going from discrete phonetic symbols to continuous acoustic signals when parsing speech?&nbsp; I am thinking of a&nbsp;small project where students would have several recorded phrases or words&nbsp;and would need to synthesize&nbsp;a new phrase, based on the recordings (using something like Praat or similar waveform editing software).The goal wouldn&#39;t necessarily be to achieve good quality synthesis, but to document the problems that come up and explain them.&nbsp; I would appreciate suggestions and pointers, if anyone did something like this before.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>Thank you,</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>Valeriy</div> ------=_Part_132686_27613517.1231176730995--

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