Re: MFCC method ("Richard F. Lyon" )

Subject: Re: MFCC method
From:    "Richard F. Lyon"  <DickLyon@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Thu, 8 Jan 2009 20:46:40 -0800

Thanks Malcolm; now that you've told us, it's in wikipedia: Including the connection to earlier work by Pols; I can share a copy of Plomp, Pols, and van de Geer (1967) on request. Dick At 2:07 PM -0800 1/7/09, Malcolm Slaney wrote: >On Jan 7, 2009, at 12:40 PM, James W. Beauchamp wrote: >>I'm looking for a (the?) seminal article on the MFCC method of >>coding spectral envelopes. It could be a journal paper or a chapter >>in a book. Also, who was the first to publish on this idea? > >These are the usual references, especially the 1980 paper. > >P. Mermelstein, Distance measures for speech >recognition, psychological and instrumental, in >Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, >C. H. Chen, Ed., pp. 374­388. Academic, New >York, 1976. > >S.B. Davis, and P. Mermelstein, Comparison of >Parametric Representations for Monosyllabic Word >Recognition in Continuously Spoken Sentences, in >IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and >Signal Processing, vol. 28(4), 1980, pp. 357­366. > > >But Mermelstein usually credits John Bridle's work for the idea > JSRU Report No. 1003 > AN EXPERIMENTAL AUTOMATIC WORD·RECOGNITION SYSTEM: > INTERIM REPORT > J . S. Bridle and M. D. Brown > > >I have copies of the early two if you need them. > >- Malcolm

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