deadline approching BSA (Stefan Bleeck )

Subject: deadline approching BSA
From:    Stefan Bleeck  <bleeck@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Tue, 23 Jun 2009 13:10:30 +0100

This years British Society of Audiology Short papers meeting on Experimental Studies of Hearing and Deafness to be hosted by the Hearing and Balance Centre, at the University of Southampton on September 17th & 18th 2009. This meeting has a long history as being an intimate, low-cost conference that brings together young and old(ish) researchers from Britain and overseas in a relaxed, informal environment. Information about the conference can be found at To encourage the participation of more young researchers from around the globe we have funding for a number of student scholarships for young researchers that help towards the cost of conference fees, accommodation and travel. Please apply by email. The deadline for provisonal titles is beginning of July, so hurry! Regards, Stefan Bleeck --- Dr. Stefan Bleeck Senior Lecturer Institute of Sound and Vibration Research University of Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK Room 4093, Tizard building (13) Tel.: 02380 596682 email: bleeck@xxxxxxxx

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