Subject: PhD studentship at the University of Manchester From: Catherine Siciliano <catherine.siciliano@xxxxxxxx> Date: Wed, 10 Jun 2009 13:42:06 +0100 List-Archive:<>Applications are invited for a 3-year PhD studentship in “Functional Imaging Alternatives to fMRI: Towards the Functional Imaging of Cochlear Implanted Deaf Patients” at the Biomedical Imaging Institute (BII) of the University of Manchester. The project will be supervised by Catherine Siciliano and Colette McKay (Audiology and Deafness, School of Psychological Sciences), and Hugh McCann (Electrical and Electronic Engineering). The project will begin in October 2009 and provides full support for UK/EU tuition fees and a tax-free annual stipend starting at £13,290. *Applications are limited to UK/EU nationals due to the nature of the funding.* The ideal applicant will have an honours bachelors degree (minimum 2.i), and/or masters degree, in neuroscience, engineering, audiology, psychology or related discipline. He/she will also have an interest in the technical aspects of developing new imaging methods (e.g. statistics or computational modelling) and an interest in working with people who are hearing impaired. The successful candidate will be provided with extensive training in biomedical techniques as well as transferrable skills applicable to both the academic and commercial sector. Multidisciplinary training in functional imaging, cognitive neuroscience, speech perception in normal and hearing impaired people, audiology and cochlear implants will be provided. All BII PhD researchers participate in an educational symposium series and benefit from visiting speakers and industrial links. Further information about the project can be requested from Catherine Siciliano at catherine.siciliano@xxxxxxxx . Application process The following details should be submitted by 8 July: • A CV, including full details of all University course grades. • Contact details for two academic or professional referees. • A personal statement (750 words maximum) outlining your suitability for the study, what you hope to achieve from the PhD and your research experience to date. Completed applications should be sent to the BII Coordinator, Jo Lowe at jo.e.lowe@xxxxxxxx Shortlisted candidates will be contacted the week commencing 13 July with interviews scheduled for the week commencing 20 July. Please direct any questions on the application process to Jo Lowe at the above address. _______________________________________ Catherine Siciliano Lecturer in Hearing Science Audiology and Deafness Research Group School of Psychological Sciences University of Manchester Ellen Wilkinson Building Manchester M13 9PL UK t: +44 (0) 161 275 3386 e: catherine.siciliano@xxxxxxxx