Re: very long mp3 files (Peter van Hengel )

Subject: Re: very long mp3 files
From:    Peter van Hengel  <peter.vanhengel@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Thu, 8 Jan 2009 11:50:15 +0100

Dear list, thanks to everyone who replied to my question. I've found CoolMp3Splitter, which can automatically split my MP3 files into sections of any length. So far it seems to do exactly what I want... And best of all, it doesn't need to play the file, so it goes much (much, much) faster than real-time... All the best, Peter -- --- dr. ir. Peter van Hengel Fraunhofer Institut Digitale Medientechnologie (IDMT) Project Group Hearing, Speech and Audio Technology Haus de Hörens - Marie-Curie-Strasse 2 - 26129 Oldenburg - Germany T: +49 (0) 441 2172 436 F: +49 (0) 441 2172 450 E: peter.vanhengel@xxxxxxxx W:

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