dutch intelligibility listening tests (Cees Taal )

Subject: dutch intelligibility listening tests
From:    Cees Taal  <c.h.taal@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Tue, 12 May 2009 13:09:50 +0200

Dear list, We would like to evaluate the effect of noisy speech-processing algorithms on the speech-intelligibility wrt noisy speech for the Dutch language for normal-hearing listeners. We are mainly interested in simple listening tests which can be performed without any supervision and are not too sensitive for training (e.g. DRT-based, non-sense sentences, digit-based). Since the results are not primarily meant for publication the test itself can be informal. Any links to available (non)-commercial speech-databases, references or any other tips are appreciated. Thanks in advance, Cees Taal Ph.D. Researcher TU Delft

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