Re: USB audio and vibration recording device with driver (Ralph Muehleisen )

Subject: Re: USB audio and vibration recording device with driver
From:    Ralph Muehleisen  <muehleisen@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Sat, 4 Apr 2009 21:16:14 -0500

Boris, If your main use would be airborne measurements with microphones, you might want to look at those audio cards with the 48V phantom power outputs and look at getting the B&K or BSWA instrumentation mic preamps that are designed for any of the standard prepolarized measurement microphones. This obviously wouldn't let you use ICP accelerometers, but it would let you use standard 1/2 prepolarized instrumentation mics. I have begun using the USB to XLR adapters (simple USB A/D that provide 48V phantom on an XLR that cost $50) with BSWA 4006 microphones (48V XLR preamp and a standard 1/2" prepolarized mic) that costs about $200. For $250 I have something very compact, that plugs into any windows or mac computer, and requires no external power. It's also hard to break so I can let students check them out for taking room measurements at home. Ralph Ralph Muehleisen, Ph.D., P.E. Assistant Professor and Director of the Miller Acoustics Lab Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago, IL 60616 muehleisen@xxxxxxxx tel: 312-567-3545 fax:312-567-3519

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