Re: music pitch tracking ("Alain de Cheveigne'" )

Subject: Re: music pitch tracking
From:    "Alain de Cheveigne'"  <>
Date:    Mon, 30 Mar 2009 20:18:23 +0200

At 12:08 -0500 29/3/09, James W. Beauchamp wrote: >What is needed is a system that is accurate to a few cents but can also >cover a wide range of pitch, at least 3 octaves, but 7 would be great. >It should be able to handle a wide variety of waveforms, drop outs, a >fair amount of noise and inharmonicity, and it should be able to handle >very fast changes in pitch, i.e., it should be able to accurately >transcribe virtuosic passages (64th notes, etc.), as well as glides, >vibrato, and portamento. > >Besides displaying the data on a log(f0) vs. time chart, the system >should also be able to generate the data to a file for subsequent >post-processing research. Conversion to MIDI and musical notation are >nice features, but these are already available in programs once the >log(f) data is provided. Jim, This description more or less fits YIN, described in [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 111: 1917-1930, 2003], code available at: Requires matlab, and you may need to recompile the mex files for your platform/version of matlab. The real difficulty is evaluation. Best, Alain

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