PhD Studentships, School of Healthcare, University of Leeds, UK (Nick Thyer )

Subject: PhD Studentships, School of Healthcare, University of Leeds, UK
From:    Nick Thyer  <N.J.Thyer@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Fri, 6 Feb 2009 16:00:04 +0000

Dear List If you have a look closely at the advert below you will see an Auditory topic on the list. We have state of the art laboratories in which we carry out multi-sensory research and links with the Institutes of Transport Studies and Psychological Sciences at the University of Leeds. Please feel free to contact me for further details Nick n.j.thyer@xxxxxxxx +44 113 343 1238 PhD STUDENTSHIPS IN HEALTHCARE Applications are invited for three full time (three-year) PhD studentships, to start in September or October 2009 in The School of Healthcare, which has a vibrant research community and was ranked 6th nationally in the recent Research Assessment Exercise. You will be a qualified healthcare professional; or a graduate with a health-related degree (or anticipated to graduate this summer). You will have a Bachelor's degree first or upper-second class, or a Master's degree. You will receive an annual tax-free stipend starting at £13,246 (£14,350 for healthcare professionals), an allowance for research expenses and training, and the School will pay EU/ home level tuition fees. You will also be able to undertake some paid employment by mutual agreement (maximum 1 day per week). There are three studentships available. We welcome applications to undertake any of the following projects (lead supervisor): · Anxiety after stroke (Dr Peter Knapp); · Self-management for patients with stroke (Dr Jenni Murray); · Globalization, psychological distress and counselling and psychotherapy (Prof Dawn Freshwater); · Self-management of more than one long term condition (Dr Felicity Astin); · Evaluating complementary and alternative (CAM) therapies in the NHS (Prof Kate Thomas); · Comparing complementary health centres in the UK and Europe that use a combination of therapies (Dr John Lees); · Intracardiac defibrillators: impact on psycho-social function (Dr Paul Marshall); · Clinical decision making in the context of compression bandaging of lower limb ulceration (Dr Jill Firth); · The influence of auditory processing on cognitive resources in driving (Dr Nick Thyer). Further details and application forms are available from Mrs. Christine Shaw (0113 343 5635 or <> ) or at <> Closing date: Friday 13th March 2009 at 12:00 noon. Interviews: Wednesday 22nd April. If you anticipate potential problems with this interview date please state this in your letter of application. We are committed to equal opportunities.

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