Re: cheap headphone + sound card (UNCLASSIFIED) (Massimo Grassi )

Subject: Re: cheap headphone + sound card (UNCLASSIFIED)
From:    Massimo Grassi  <massimo.grassi@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Wed, 3 Dec 2008 21:20:30 +0100

> I say, pick one up and test it out... and report back the results! I'm > very > curious. It would be simple to test empirically if you have an > oscilloscope > and a parallel port interface card. this will happen exactly tomorrow! I had the chance to have one for a test today. Tomorrow I will test the USB card together with a visual display generated with psychtoolbox. I'll put video and audio signal in the oscilloscope and see whether there is any delay. As soon as I have the results I post it to the list. m ps: I did this same test months ago with a PCI soundcard. For those interested, if you get maximal priority on your operative system (this can be done for a time of about a few seconds) audio and visual signal are offset of less than 3-ms (if my memory s correct) and sometimes (say 1 on 50 or tests or more) the audio or the video signal gets offset of slightly more because the video "misses one frame" and skips one refresh.

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