A search for a good citation on the relative effects of SNR & overall level for perceiving speech in noise (Stuart Rosen )

Subject: A search for a good citation on the relative effects of SNR & overall level for perceiving speech in noise
From:    Stuart Rosen  <stuart@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Fri, 8 Aug 2008 17:04:15 +0100

I would be grateful for some references to work showing what we all know to be true -- that the primary determinant of performance for speech in noise for audiometrically normal listeners is the SNR, depending little or not at all on overall level (at least over a fairly wide range of moderate levels). For those interested, this is a nice study on the extent to which speech perception is invariant across level for a wide range of levels: USE OF COMFORTABLE LISTENING LEVELS IN SPEECH EXPERIMENTS Author(s): SIMON, C Source: JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA Volume: 64 Issue: 3 Pages: 744-750 Published: 1978 Yours - Stuart P.S. I hope I am not opening a can of worms here! P.P.S. I have done some searching but cannot find anything relevant. -- /*------------------------------------------------*/ Stuart Rosen, PhD Professor of Speech and Hearing Science Speech, Hearing and Phonetic Sciences Division of Psychology & Language Sciences, UCL 2 Wakefield Street London WC1N 1PF England Tel: (+ 44 [0]20) 7679 4077 Admin: (+ 44 [0]20) 7679 4050 Fax: (+ 44 [0]20) 7679 4010 Email: stuart@xxxxxxxx Home page: http://www.phon.ucl.ac.uk/home/stuart /*------------------------------------------------*/

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