Subject: 2nd CFP: MML 2008 - International Workshop on Machine Learning and Music From: Rafael Ramirez <rramirez@xxxxxxxx> Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2008 11:40:40 +0000 List-Archive:<>This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text, while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools. ---1849619913-1385444643-1208259218=:31965 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=ISO-8859-1; FORMAT=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: QUOTED-PRINTABLE Content-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.64.0804151139162.31965@xxxxxxxx> This is a friendly reminder that the extended abstract submission deadline = for=20 the International Workshop on Machine Learning and Music (MML 2008) is Apri= l=20 20 2008. Extended selected abstracts will be published in a special issue of Intelli= gent=20 Data Analysis Journal. Best regards, rafael ramirez. ---- [apologies for multiple postings] Call for papers MML 2008: International Workshop on Machine Learning and Music Helsinki, Finland, July 9, 2008 mml@xxxxxxxx Co-located with ICML 2008 <>, COLT 2008 <> and UAI 2008 <> With the current explosion and quick expansion of music in digital formats,= =20 research on machine learning and music is gaining increasing popularity. As= =20 complexity of the problems investigated by researchers on this area increas= es,=20 there is a need to develop new algorithms and methods to solve these proble= ms.=20 Machine learning has proved to provide efficient solutions to many=20 music-related problems both of academic and commercial interest. The goal o= f=20 MML 2008 is to bring together researchers who are using machine learning in= =20 musical applications, providing the opportunity to promote, present and dis= cuss=20 ongoing work in the area. The workshop is planned to last one full day, and= =20 will feature paper presentations, panel discussions and open discussions.= =20 Accepted contributions will be available from the workshop web page as soon= as=20 possible in order to encourage active discussion during the workshop. We invite extended abstract contributions describing machine learning=20 approaches to music processing including, but not limited to: * Sound Synthesis and Analysis * Music Classification and Generation * Formal Music Analysis * Music Information Retrieval * Knowledge Representation and Computational Models * Printing and Optical Recognition of Music * Psychoacoustics and Music Perception * Cognitive Modeling * Aesthetics, Philosophy and Criticism of Music * Adaptive Systems and Music Education * Algorithmic Composition * Interactive Performance Systems * Digital Audio Signal Processing * Software and Hardware Systems Submissions: ------------ Extended abstracts of 1-2 printed pages in two-column ICML format are welco= me.=20 Extended abstracts should include author names, affiliations, contact=20 information, and an abstract of 70-120 words. Papers will be reviewed by a= t=20 least two members of the Workshop Committee. Contributions should be in PDF= =20 format and submitted to the workshop email address mml@xxxxxxxx Journal publication: extended selected abstracts will be published in a spe= cial=20 issue of Intelligent Data Analysis Journal. Dates: ------ Submission deadline: Sunday, April 20, 2008. Acceptance notification: Friday, May 16, 2008. Final versions due: Friday, May 30, 2008. Workshop: Wednesday, July 9, 2008. Organizing Committee: --------------------- Rafael Ramirez (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain) Darrell Conklin (City University, UK) Christina Anagnostopoulou (University of Athens, Greece) Jos=E9 Manuel I=F1esta (Alicante University, Spain) Xavier Serra (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain) ---1849619913-1385444643-1208259218=:31965--