Hearing Science Research Position in New York City (David Goldberg )

Subject: Hearing Science Research Position in New York City
From:    David Goldberg  <dgoldberg@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Thu, 27 Mar 2008 08:50:21 -0500

Job Title: Research Scientist (Hearing Neuroscience) Location: New York City The Company: BrainMedia is an innovation-centric high-tech company serving the global needs of the wireless multimedia industry. We specialize in patented and standards-based systems for producing and delivering large scale content to a mass audience on wireless devices such as cell phones. BrainMedia leads the world in compression technologies that leverage neurophysiological models of the human brain for unparalleled quality. Manhattan-based BrainMedia invites you to join our world-class team of researchers, developers, and emerging market experts. Job Description: Full-time position in the Research Group - primary responsibilities include researching and developing novel neurophysiologically-based models of perception used in our proprietary audio coding algorithms, as well as participating on multimedia signal processing projects. Duties will include independent research in addition to collaborating with a multi-disciplinary team of researchers with the common goal of advancing the technology edge of audio coding. Qualifications: Educational Requirements: -Ph.D. in science with emphasis in computational neurophysiology, psychophysics, and hearing physiology. -Academic or professional background in signal processing, detection theory, probability theory, and information theory. -Exposure to auditory perceptual models and audio codec algorithms is desirable. Experience Requirements: -Three to five years experience in neurophysiological and psychoacoustic models. -Proficiency in Windows C / C++ and Matlab programming environments is desirable. Send Resumes and Inquires to: jobs@xxxxxxxx [PLEASE NOTE: RESUMES MUST BE SUBMITTED AS AN ATTACHMENT FOR CONSIDERATION. TXT, WORD, HTML, AND PDF FORMATS ARE ACCEPTABLE. ALSO, ONLY SUBMISSIONS WITH THE PHRASE 'RESEARCHER' IN THE SUBJECT LINE WILL BE CONSIDERED.]

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DAn Ellis <dpwe@ee.columbia.edu>
Electrical Engineering Dept., Columbia University