PhD studentships at University of Sussex, UK (Benjamin James Dyson )

Subject: PhD studentships at University of Sussex, UK
From:    Benjamin James Dyson  <B.J.Dyson@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Thu, 6 Mar 2008 09:29:29 +0000

Dear list members, Applications are been considered for the following DPhil position in auditory memory that may be of interest to some members of the list. Full Information at Regards, Ben. Auditory Memory (Supervisor: Dr Ben Dyson - B.J.Dyson@xxxxxxxx ) Applications are invited for a DPhil studentship to work on a project investigating the behavioural and neural correlates of auditory memory with Dr. Ben Dyson. The project will investigate how sound information is coded and stored within the brain by creating auditory scenes using both ecologically valid and artificially constructed events. Potential applications include the design of auditory displays and the abatement of hearing problems in the elderly. The student will receive training in both behavioural and event-related potential (ERP) techniques and applicants with strong interests in auditory cognition and neuroimaging are encouraged to apply. DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY UNIVERSITY OF SUSSEX FUNDED DPhil PLACES FOR OCTOBER 2008 The Department of Psychology at the University of Sussex invites applications for a number of DPhil studentships to start in October 2008. In particular, we offer one ESRC quota studentship (either as 1+3 or as +3 to candidates with an ESRC-recognised Masters qualification), one BBSRC quota studentship, and up to five University-funded graduate teaching assistantships. We welcome applications from outstanding candidates with, or expecting to obtain, a good degree in Psychology or a closely related discipline. Candidates may apply to work on a project that falls within the research interests of any member of faculty (see and the links to our four research groups from that page). We particularly encourage applications to work on the specific projects outlined below. The Department of Psychology was created in 2003 as part of a major reorganisation of the University. However, Sussex has a strong tradition of research in Psychology and the majority of the staff who formed the new department were in 5-rated groups in the 2001 Research Assessment Exercise. Since its formation, the department has expanded considerably both in faculty numbers and in the facilities available to us. In particular, we have well-equipped labs for carrying out research in all our main areas of interest, and links with local schools and hospitals that greatly facilitate research, for example, on cognitive development and cognitive neuroscience. Labs include those for research in cognition, developmental psychology, feeding and drinking, fMRI and PET (in the new Clinical Imaging Sciences Centre), human psychophysiology (EEG, GSR, TMS, eyetracking), psychoacoustics, psychopharmacology, social psychology, and vision. At any time we have 50 or more students studying for research degrees. They come from a wide variety of backgrounds and countries and make a major contribution to the life of the Department. The mutual support provide by members of this group creates an excellent environment for students to carry out their doctoral projects. Research students have a desk in a shared office, a desktop computer with internet access, and funds and technical support for research. Standard Research Council eligibility requirements apply to ESRC and BBSRC studentships, and projects funded by these research councils must fall within their respective remits. University GTAs cover stipend and Home/EU fees. Overseas students can apply, but will have to pay additional fees. They may apply for an ORSAS grant to cover these additional fees. The closing date for ORSAS applications is February 28th. Candidates intending to apply for ORSAS funding should contact the department as soon as possible, and well before the February 28th deadline. All applicants are strongly advised to contact their prospective supervisors before preparing and submitting an application. Those not applying for one of the projects outlined below will be expected to provide a research outline of up to two sides of single-spaced A4. For details of how to apply see applying. The closing date for candidates wishing to be considered for funding is March 31st 2008 (ORSAS deadline earlier, see above). Please state in your application if you are applying to work on one of the specified projects. For general queries please contact either psychgrad@xxxxxxxx or the Psychology Postgraduate Research Admissions Tutor, Prof. Alan Garnham (A.Garnham@xxxxxxxx)

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