Open Post Doctorate Positions : Frame Multipliers: Theory and Applications in Acoustics (MulAC) (Peter Balazs )

Subject: Open Post Doctorate Positions : Frame Multipliers: Theory and Applications in Acoustics (MulAC)
From:    Peter Balazs  <peter.balazs@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Thu, 15 Nov 2007 12:39:55 +0100

The Acoustics Research Institute (ARI) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences invites applications for two research positions in Mathematics / Signal Processing / Acoustics in a WWTF -funded project with multi-disciplinary and international collaboration. Applicants should have * a PhD or equivalent degree in the field of mathematics or electrical/acoustics engineering, * at least two years of post-doctoral experience, with a strong publication record * the ability to carry out research work independently within a collegial environment, * a good command of English * experience in o mathematics (frame, operator, Gabor and wavelet theory, statistical modelling), o engineering (control theory (LMIs), signal processing (time-varying and adaptive filtering)) o acoustics (acoustical measurements, head related transfer functions (HRTFs), psychoacoustics) o numerics / programming (C++, MatLab / Octave) The two positions are scaled differently on the above mentioned criteria according to a) the theoretical and b) the applied working packages. Both positions include alternating employment at the Austrian, French and Belgian partner institutions in Vienna, Marseille and Louvain la Neuve, each for several months. The positions do not involve any teaching duties. The contract a) should start in March 2008, b) in September 2008 for a term of 1 year with the option to be prolonged to a full 3 year appointment. Depending on the project's success, the opportunity of further project work is envisaged. The gross salary is €40.000 per year. Travel expenses are covered by the project. The project's partner institutions are: * the group Modélisation, Synthèse et Contrôle des Signaux Sonores et Musicaux in the Laboratoire de Mécanique et d’Acoustique (LMA) of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) Marseille (Dr. Richard Kronland-Martinet), * the Laboratoire d'Analyse, Topologie et Probabilités (LATP), Centre de Mathématiques et Informatique of the Universite de Provence Marseille (Prof. Bruno Torrésani), * the Unité de physique théorique et de physique mathématique (FYMA) in the Département de physique of the Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) Louvain-la-Neuve (Prof. Jean-Pierre Antoine), * the Numerical Harmonic Analysis Group (NuHAG) of the Faculty of Mathematics, at the University of Vienna (Prof. Hans G. Feichtinger) and * the Acoustics Research Institute (ARI) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Dr. Peter Balazs, project coordinator) These institutions provide an excellent scientific environment and extended experimental facilities . The project's aim to establish new results in the mathematical theory of frame multipliers, to integrate them in efficient digital signal processing algorithms and to make them available for use in 'real-world' acoustical applications offers the candidates the unique opportunity to participate in this international research collaboration. Combining the theoretical background with the evaluation and implementation of the results on all levels promises the create and use extended synergies (see ). The Austrian Academy of Sciences is an equal-opportunity employer, women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Interested applicants should send a letter of application including a Curriculum Vitae and a list of publications, as well as 3 letters of reference. Please send information by email to peter.balazs@xxxxxxxx The deadline for application is December 31th, 2007. -- ---- Dr. Peter Balazs ---- --- Researcher --- - Mathematics, Signal Processing - - - - Acoustics Research Institute - - Austrian Academy of Sciences - - -

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