Cochlear-amplifier models, addendum. ("reinifrosch@xxxxxxxx" )

Subject: Cochlear-amplifier models, addendum.
From:    "reinifrosch@xxxxxxxx"  <reinifrosch@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Fri, 19 Oct 2007 23:15:12 +0000

Addendum to my long cochlear-amplifier note of Oct. 19: The complete reference for paper number 4 is A. R. Cody (1992), "Acoustic lesions in the mammalian cochlea: Implications for the spatial distribution of the 'active process' ", Hearing Research 62: 166-172. Reinhart. Reinhart Frosch, Dr. phil. nat., r. PSI and ETH Zurich, Sommerhaldenstr. 5B, CH-5200 Brugg. Phone: 0041 56 441 77 72. Mobile: 0041 79 754 30 32. E-mail: reinifrosch@xxxxxxxx .

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