prenatal maturation of cochlea and vestibular system (Richard Parncutt )

Subject: prenatal maturation of cochlea and vestibular system
From:    Richard Parncutt  <richard.parncutt@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Thu, 27 Sep 2007 10:19:33 +0200

Dear colleagues, There seems now to be agreement from both physiological and behavioural studies that the cochlea begins to function at about 20 weeks gestational age. The frequency range is initially quite limited and gradually expands. I have been trying to find equivalent information regarding the vestibular system, which presumably begins to function at about the same time. Can anyone point me to relevant physiological literature? Behavioural studies are harder to carry out (although I know of one attempt). Richard Parncutt University of Graz, Austria Parncutt at uni-graz dot at

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