Automotive Research Areas (Dermot Campbell )

Subject: Automotive Research Areas
From:    Dermot Campbell  <Dermot.Campbell@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Wed, 19 Sep 2007 15:25:40 +0100

Dear List, I am a 2nd year PhD candidate at the National University of Ireland, Galway. My research to date has focused on speech and audio quality assessment but I am currently looking at related applications for the automotive area. I am looking for information regarding this area i.e. aurization for cars, quality assessment of sound/speech/audio in cars, noise reduction/cancellation in cars etc. Basically I would be interested in hearing from anyone who is currently involved in this area or knows any groups currently active in this area generally. One thing I would like to know is in relation to the availability of data eg automotive subjective data, impulse response data for vehicles etc. My research is not linked with any company or organisation and is funded by the Irish government. I would appreciate any help/advice etc that members of the list could give me. Many thanks for your time. Kind Regards, Dermot. ------------------------------------------------ Dermot Martin Campbell, Postgraduate Research Student, Dept. of Electronic Eng., National University of Ireland, Galway City. Tel:(091) 493031 Fax: - Email: Dermot.Campbell@xxxxxxxx

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