Postdoctoral position available (Edward Large )

Subject: Postdoctoral position available
From:    Edward Large  <large@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Tue, 4 Sep 2007 10:30:29 -0400

POSTDOCTORAL POSITION in NONLINEAR DYNAMICS of MUSIC and AUDITORY PERCEPTION Center for Complex Systems and Brain Sciences Florida Atlantic University Our music and auditory dynamics laboratory seeks a postdoctoral research associate to work on dynamical systems modeling of auditory perceptual processes. We use the most advanced mathematical techniques to model auditory and music perception (see http:// The postdoc will coordinate all aspects of this project, including: * analysis and development of nonlinear dynamical models of perception * development of MATLAB toolbox for auditory modeling * evaluation of model predictions; comparison with perceptual and neural data * preparation of journal articles, grants, and presentations * collaboration with industrial research partners Qualifications: * Knowledge of nonlinear dynamical systems required * Advanced degree in Physics or Mathematics strongly preferred * Knowledge of auditory perception and/or neuroscience preferred * Strong interpersonal and communication skills, both verbal and written * Computer programming experience required * MATLAB expertise preferred * Recent PhD graduate Postdoctoral position pays NIH scale, starting at $36,996. Open immediately, with preferred start date 15 Oct 2007 or earlier. Minimum one year commitment preferred. Please send a curriculum vitae with the contact details of three references to Dr. Edward W. Large: large@xxxxxxxx

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