Hearing Conservation Presentation Available (Patrick Zurek )

Subject: Hearing Conservation Presentation Available
From:    Patrick Zurek  <pat@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Wed, 19 Dec 2007 10:25:26 -0500

Sensimetrics Corporation is making available a computer-based presentation on hearing conservation entitled Preserving Your Hearing. This presentation, which is aimed at middle- and high-school students, uses simulations of hearing loss to demonstrate the risks of over-exposure to loud music. It was originally developed for display at the DiscovEARy Zone at the 2007 AAA meeting in Denver, which was an exhibit area established for visiting students. Preserving Your Hearing uses speech and rock music to briefly demonstrate the effects of mild, moderate, and severe hearing loss, tinnitus and hearing aids. To download the 3-minute presentation, go to www.sens.com and click the Preserving Your Hearing link. Patrick M. Zurek President Sensimetrics Corporation 48 Grove St. Somerville, MA 02144 Tel: 617-625-0600 x237 Fax: 617-625-6612 email: pat@xxxxxxxx web: www.sens.com

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