Seeking new Director of Parmly (William Yost )

Subject: Seeking new Director of Parmly
From:    William Yost  <WYOST@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Thu, 14 Dec 2006 09:51:02 -0600

Loyola University Chicago seeking a Director for Parmly Director: Parmly Sensory Sciences Institute Loyola University Chicago (LUC) seeks a sensory neuroscientist with interdisciplinary research interests to direct the Parmly Sensory Sciences Institute (PSSI), an expansion of LUC’s Parmly Hearing Institute. Parmly is an internationally renowned research institute that focuses on sensory systems. Parmly has state-of-the-art facilities used in research and in LUC’s interdisciplinary undergraduate neuroscience minor. The applicant selected for this position will have the opportunity to play a leadership role in the development of a new undergraduate major in neuroscience. Applicants at the associate or full professor level are preferred but the position is open to applicants at all ranks. This tenured or tenure-track appointment will be split between an academic department at LUC and the Institute. Candidates should have a strong history of grant-supported research and some administrative experience in directing research or academic programs. Additional information is at Applicants should submit a letter of interest expressing their vision for developing the PSSI, a current Curriculum Vita (CV), and contact information for three references to: William A. Yost, Chairperson, Neuroscience Search, Parmly Sensory Sciences Institute, Loyola University Chicago, 6525 N. Sheridan Rd., Chicago, IL 60626, wyost@xxxxxxxx Candidates must also register their application, and submit an electronic CV and cover letter at Review of applications will begin February 12, 2007. LUC, Chicago's Jesuit Catholic university, is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer with a strong commitment to diversifying its faculty. seeking a Director for the Parmly Sensory Sciences Institute William A. Yost, PhD Professor of Psychology Parmly Hearing Institute Loyola University Chicago 6525 N. Sheridan Rd. Chicago, IL 60201 Office: 773-508-2713 Fax: 773-508-2719 wyost@xxxxxxxx

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