Re: measuring output volume from headphones -- follow-up (Stuart Rosen )

Subject: Re: measuring output volume from headphones -- follow-up
From:    Stuart Rosen  <stuart@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Thu, 7 Sep 2006 20:58:27 +0100

The QuickMix program allows one to read off and re-set volume controls consistently. -- /*------------------------------------------------*/ Stuart Rosen, PhD Professor of Speech and Hearing Science Dept of Phonetics & Linguistics UCL 4 Stephenson Way London NW1 2HE England Directions to Wolfson House (where I am based): Tel: (+ 44 [0]20) 7679 7404 Admin: (+ 44 [0]20) 7679 7401 Fax: (+ 44 [0]20) 7679 5107 Email: stuart@xxxxxxxx Home page: /*------------------------------------------------*/

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