Tripple digits speech intelligibility tests (Dariusz Kutzner )

Subject: Tripple digits speech intelligibility tests
From:    Dariusz Kutzner  <konsbol@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Mon, 24 Jul 2006 09:38:51 +0200
Organization:Nowa Poczta Wirtualnej Polski S.A.

Dear lists I am interested in developping the so-called tripple digits test for speech intelligibility for Polish language. As far as I know such test were desgined for Dutch and Geman language. Does anybody know abouty such tests for other languages ? Besh wishes Dariusz Kutzner ---------------------------------------------------- -> Inni szukaj±, my odpowiadamy! Wpisujesz nazwê filmu lub aktora i dostajesz odpowied¼! Sprawd¼:

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