MDS distances (beaucham )

Subject: MDS distances
From:    beaucham  <beaucham@xxxxxxxx>
Date:    Thu, 15 Jun 2006 13:46:14 -0500

We ran an MDS calculation (using MatLab) on a 10x10 distance matrix based on dissimilarity judgements between all pairs of 10 sounds, and obtained an 8-dimension solution, which gives the coordinates of the sounds in 8-D space. The distances between the positions of the sounds are supposed to match the original distances. In fact, we get an rms error of 8% and a max error of 30%. Is this typical? Is MatLab's program accurate? Is there a way to improve on the MDS results? Jim Beauchamp Univ. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign jwbeauch@xxxxxxxx

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